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University teaching activities

Plant nutrition, development and growth / Ecology

Taxonomies and life organization 

Functional ecology and species communities 

High-School teaching activities

How to redact and present scientific reports

I gave Science classes for the School Year abroad which welcoms US students during one year in France to learn French. Classes was in both French (70%) and English (30%).

In gave both lecturers and pratice classes. The major aims of my classes was as below:

Statistic with R

Alternative energy: need and possibilities

Water : an important ressource

The biodiversity: what is the next issue ?

Resume scientific papers: being a sciences reporter --> How research that appear improbable research in first view can be of very important interest for our societies?

Theoritical classes

Pratice classes & Projects

Think about new energy ressources --> Works were orally communicate using posters during an open journey to the school.

I gave both lecturers and practice and field classes to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

I worked at the university of Rennes 1 and François Rabelais in Tours.

My interventions were in the field present below:

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