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Two years Postdoctoral position

Research institute of French National Agronomy (UR QuaPA, INRA)

Theix (Clermont-Ferrand), France




Anchor 1
Key words

Phenotypic plasticity

Environmental stresses

Metabolomiic, proteomic, transcriptomic




French (mother tongue)




[2011-2014] Ph.D in Biology (with class honours)

UMR 6553 ECOBIO, CNRS, University of Rennes 1, France (supervisor: D. Renault) UMR MIVEGEC, IRD of Montpellier, France (co-supervisor: F. Simard)

Read my Ph.D


[2011] 2nd year of Master degree in Insect sciences (with honours)

University of Tours, France


[2010] 1st year of Master degree in functional ecology and evolution (with honours)

University of Rennes 1, France


[2009] Bachelor degree in organism & population biology & biochemistry (with honours)      

University of Orléans, France                                                                     


Already published in peer-reviewed journals


Hidalgo K., Montazeau C., Siaussat D., Braman V., Trabalon M., Simard F., Renault D. & Mouline K., 2018. Distinct Physiological, biochemical and morphometric adjustments in the malaria vectors Anopheles gambiae and An. coluzzii as means to survive to dry seasons conditions in Burkina Faso. Journal of Experimental Biology jeb.174433. doi: 10.1242/jeb.174433 

Hidalgo K., Siaussat D., Simard F., Mouline K., & Renault D. 2016 Comparative physiological plasticity to desiccation in distinct natural populations of the malarial mosquito, Anopheles coluzzii. Parasites & Vectors; 9:565. doi: 10.1186/s13071-016-1854-1


Chirault M., Van de Zande L., Chevrier C., Hidalgo K., Bressac C., Lécureuil C., 2016. The spatio-temporal partitioning of sperm by males of the prospermatogenic parasitoid Nasonia vitripennis is in agreement with its gregarious lifestyle. Journal of Insect Physiology; Vol 91–92: 10–17. doi: 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2016.06.002

Hidalgo, K., Mouline, K., Mamai, W., Foucreau, N., Dabiré, K.R., Bouchereau, A., Simard, F., Renault, D., 2015. Combining two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and metabolomic data in support of dry-season survival in the two main species of the malarial mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Data in Brief; 5, 255–268. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2015.08.031                                 


Hidalgo K., Dujardin JP., Mouline K., Dabiré K.R., Renault D., & Simard F., 2015. Seasonal variation in wing size and shape between geographic populations of the malaria vector, Anopheles coluzzii in Burkina-Faso (West Africa). Acta Tropica; Vol 143:79-88. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2014.12.014


Hidalgo K., 2014. Plasticité phénotypique de la résistance à la dessiccation chez les moustiques Anopheles coluzzii et An. gambiae en Afrique sub-saharienne. Thèse de l'université de Rennes 1. 


Hidalgo K., Mouline K., Mamai W., Foucreau N., Dabiré K.R., Bouchereau A., Simard F. & Renault D., 2014. Novel insights into the metabolic and biochemical underpinnings assisting dry-season survival in female malaria mosquitoes of the Anopheles gambiae complex. Journal of Insect Physiology; Vol 70:102-16. doi:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2014.07.003


Hidalgo K., Laparie M., Bical R., Larvor V., Bouchereau A., Siaussat D. & Renault D., 2013. Metabolic fingerprinting of the responses to salinity in the invasive ground beetle Merizodus soledadinus at the Kerguelen Islands. Journal of Insect Physiology; Vol 59(1): 91-100.


Khodayari S., Moharramipour S., Larvor V., Hidalgo K. & Renault D., 2013. Deciphering the metabolic changes associated with diapause syndrome and cold acclimation in the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae. PLoS ONE​; 8(1): e54025. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054025


Foucreau N., Renault D., Hidalgo K., Lugan R. & Pétillon J., 2012. Metabolic response to salt stress and diet in the ground-dwelling spider Arctosa fulvolineata (Araneae, Lycosidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A Molecular Integrative Physiology; Vol 163(3-4): 388-95. doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2012.07.001


Articles in preparation and/or submit


Hidalgo K,, Beaugeard E. & Lécureuil C. Thermal stress response pathways in insects: insights, limitations and perspectives. In redaction for Biological reviews.


Hidalgo K., .... & Engel E. Volatolomics in bacterial ecotoxicology, a pathway for DETECTING SIGNATUREs of pesticide exposure. In redaction for Frontiers in Microbiology (special ecotoxicology edition).

Hidalgo K,, Beaugeard E., Renault D.  & Lécureuil C. Genotype determines the mechanisms of thermal stress responses in the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis. In redaction

Gracianne C., & Hidalgo K. xplR: Exploratory tools for complex datasets with R. In progress


Oral presentations (* speaker)


Hidalgo K*., Engel E. & Bouchard P., 2017. Volatolomics in microbial ecotoxicology, a pathway for detecting metabolic signatures of exposure to xenobiotics. Ecotoxicomics (11/21-24/2017Lyon, France)


Hidalgo K*., Ratel J., Meurillon M. & Engel E, 2017. Vers une maîtrise du risque chimique pour la valorisation des insectes en alimentation animale (10.10.17; Insectinov2, Paris, France)

Hidalgo K.*, Mouline K., Siaussat D., Simard F., Renault D., 2015. Plasticité éco-physiologique des femelles moustiques Anopheles gambiae et An. coluzzii exprimée en réponse aux conditions déshydratantes de la saison sèche en Afrique de l’Ouest. (11.04.15 ; Colloque de physiologie animale (CEPA), La Rochelle, France).


Hidalgo K.*, 2015. Elucider comment survivent les moustiques vecteur du paludisme, Anopheles coluzzii et An. gambiae, aux conditions drastiques de la saison sèche en Afrique sub-saharienne. Société des Sciences Naturelles de l’Ouest de la France (10.24.15 ; Nantes Museum, France – invited speaker).


Hidalgo K.*, 2014. Take a look on the ecophysiological plasticity that assists the dry-season survival strategies in malarial mosquitoes. (05.16.14 ; Denlinger Laboratory : Columbus, Ohio, United States – invited speaker)


Hidalgo K.*, 2013. Plasticité écophysiologique assistant la stratégie de survie à la saison sèche chez les vecteurs du paludisme en Afrique de l’Ouest, Anopheles gambiae s.l. (11.15.13; ECOBIO seminary : Rennes, France – invited speaker)


Hidalgo K.*, Simard F., Mouline K. & Renault D., 2013. Ecophysiological plasticity assisting dry-season survival in the malarial mosquitoes Anopheles gambiae s.l. (5th International Symposium on the Cold Hardiness of Animals and Plants : London, Canada)


Hidalgo K.*, Mamai W., Simard F., Foucreau N., Renault H., Mouline K. & Renault D., 2012. Elucidating the strategies of females Anopheles gambiae complex, during dry season at Burkina-Faso by metabolic fingerprinting and proteomics (6ème journées scientifiques du réseau Français de métabolomique et de fluxomique : Nantes, France)


Hidalgo K., Laparie M., Siaussat D. & Renault D*., 2012. Metabolic fingerprinting and heat shock protein responses to salinity in the invasive ground beetle Merizodus soledadinus at the Kerguelen Islands. (Scientific workshop, Genericity of responses and adaptation strategies to multiple stresses in organisms of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, Paimpont, France)


Hidalgo K.*, Laparie M., Bical R., Larvor V. & Renault D., 2011. Metabolic responses to saline conditions in the carabid beetle Merizodus soledadinus introduced at the Kerguelen Islands: does habitat distribution match with their physiological plasticity? (4th International Symposium on the Cold Hardiness of Animals and Plants: Rennes, France – invited speaker).


Derocles S.*, Le Ralec A., Fedde R, Gerardin C., Hidalgo K., Kamenova S., Marrec R., Martin L., Walton A., Plantegenest M., 2011. Aphid – parasitoid food web in crops and field manrgins (March 2011 ; ECOVEG 7 - 7ème colloque d'Ecologie des Communautés Végétales, Lausanne (CH), Switzerland)


Bourgeade A., Kamenova S., Guyot V., Hassan D., Bretagnolle V., Gauffre B., Parisey N., Baudry J., Marrec R., Hidalgo K., Vialatte A. & Plantegenest M*., 2010. Influence du paysage sur la colonisation et la dynamique de population de pucerons en parcelles et sur le contrôle biologique (Ecologie : Montpellier, France).




Hidalgo K., Engel E. & Bouchard P., 2017. Volatolomics in microbial ecotoxicology, a pathway for detecting metabolic signatures of exposure to xenobiotics. Ecotoxicomics (11/21-24/2017Lyon, France)


Hidalgo K., Ratel J., Meurillon M. & Engel E, 2017. Vers une maîtrise du risque chimique pour la valorisation des insectes en alimentation animale (10.10.17; Insectinov2, Paris, France)

Hidalgo K. & Lecureuil C., 2015. Heat stress affects male fitness and development of the parasitic wasp, Nasonia vitripennis. (11.05.15 ; Colloque de physiologie animale (CEPA), La Rochelle, France).


Hidalgo K., Simard F., Mouline K. & Renault D., 2013. Physiological plasticity assisting drought tolerance in the African malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. (Assemblée general IRD UMR MIVEGEC: Montpellier, France).


Hidalgo K., Simard F., Mouline K. & Renault D., 2012. Elucidating the strategies of females Anopheles gambiae s.s. by metabolic fingerprinting and proteomics. (Assemblée general IRD UMR MIVEGEC: Montpellier, France).


Hidalgo K., Mamai W., Simard F., Foucreau N., Renault H., Mouline K. & Renault D., 2012. Elucidating the strategies of females Anopheles gambiae complex, during dry season at Burkina-Faso by metabolic fingerprinting and proteomics. (6ème journées scientifiques du réseau Français de métabolomique et de fluxomique : Nantes, France)




One year Postdoctoral position

Research institute of insect biology (UMR 7261, CNRS, IRBI)

Tours, France

Reviewing activity

2017  Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences (1 article) / Insect Science (1 article)


2016 Scientific report (1 article) / International journal of Insect Sciences (1 article) / Parasites & Vectors (2 articles)


2015 The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (1 article) / Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (1 article)

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